Sean Collyns is a devoted and talented international Psychic Medium from Australia. He is a Teacher of the Spiritual arts & a Modern Day Merlin on a mission to help strengthen the connection between our world and the Spirit World.

He is known for his strong connection to Spirit & his accuracy, and he is loved for his heart centred and down to earth approach to the work.

Sean currently offers Readings and Psychic Mediumship Spiritual development programs. He can often be found demonstrating Mediumship in entertaining live stage shows or online Events.

As a medium, he has a strong and respected line of teachings and has studied broadly & immensely to develop his ability. He holds a very high standard of ethics with all that he does.

Sean’s approach to his Soul’s work is fun, lighthearted and joyful. He doesn’t take himself too seriously and likes to maintain a sense of authenticity & realness in his spiritual pursuits.

"It has been a pleasure to work with Sean over the last few years and his ability to connect to spirit is quite remarkable. He genuinely cares and is dedicated to his clients and wishes them healing. He is a gift to this world and those who cross his path."



All through his childhood he saw, heard, and felt things that others didn’t. However, it wasn’t until the age of 15 that he discovered he had an ability.

Sean had his first reading with Debbie Mewes, an internationally renowned psychic and medium. It was immediately clear to her that Sean was also destined for this path and that he would be working professionally from a young age. Every prediction she made for him that day later became true. She was also one of Sean’s first mentors and played a large role in helping him develop his gifts.

It wasn’t until Sean moved away from his hometown and discovered himself as a person that his spiritual abilities exploded – This happened as a direct result of him ‘coming out"‘ and expressing himself authentically. This experience was one of his greatest teacher’s.

Throughout his development, Sean has been recognised by many high-level leaders in the industry such as Lisa Williams and Tony Stockwell. When Sean was training in 2017, Lisa offered Sean to join her in a demonstration and afterward, took him under her wing to help nurture his abilities.

Since then, Sean has been sharing his magic with people all over the World. Sean endeavors to constantly develop and strengthen his psychic work and his connection to the Spirit World in order to deliver the most accurate and insightful messages.

Sean has a fresh perspective on mediumship and aims to make it more and more normalised and encourage others to remember, connect and see… expand more into the mainstream in order to aid the global shift in consciousness.